Please join us for Sung Evensong on the last Sunday of the month at 5:00 pm.
Sacred Heart Catholic Church at 66 Shanley Street, Kitchener.
Welcome to The Sodality of St Edmund, King and Martyr website.
We are a Catholic community with Anglican patrimony! (Please see “Our History“)
As a Catholic community, we accept the entirety of the Catholic Faith as revealed in Holy Writ, and as interpreted through the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, while expressing this faith through our Anglican heritage. This expression is clearest in our use of “traditional” English in our Mass as well as in our Evensong. Other patrimonial features include Mass ad orientem (the priest facing towards the altar, thereby leading the congregation toward God), particular prayers within the Mass such as the Prayer of Humble Access and the Collect for Purity, and the use of the Book of Common Prayer format for our Evening Prayer.
Our community celebrates Evensong on the last Sunday of each month at 5:00 pm at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Kitchener.
We are hoping to establish regular Mass times in the very near future.
Everyone is welcome to join our community for either Mass or Evensong, and anyone who is in full communion with the See of Rome may receive communion at our Masses.